22.03.2025 Kunda Sportcenter
Kunda Spordikeskus, Kasemäe 19, Kunda, 44107
Cooperation & support:
Eesti Taekwondo Föderatsioon, Viru-Nigula vald
Tournament manager / assistant / OC:
Marko Levtšenko +372 545 666 77, info@mlsport.ee
Ronald Smorodin +372 5911 0482, ronald@mlsport.ee
TaekoPlan OVR manager:
Leon Mochalin
WT and ETF Technical delegate:
Badreddine Lamdaghri Alaoui , ETF
Judge, referee & rules coordinator:
Badreddine Lamdaghri Alaoui , ETF
Payment must be done per team or club.
Registration closes 15. march 2025 (an admistration fee of 15€ will be charged for all modifications after the stated deadline.
Saturday 22. march 2025
09.00-09.00 registration & control weigh in
09.00 judges & referee meeting
09.30 coaches meeting
10.00 competition opening ceremony & competition start
Participation requirement:
All athletes of WT Taekwondo family. Certification of the Geup/Dan grade can be asked on registration. Written consent of the parent or legal guardian is required for the minor contestant, in which they agree for their participation and recognize the outline in all its parts. With the registration, the competitors as well as the clubs accept all points of the outline. The age is to be proved during the registration by presentation of the valid personal ID card or passport.
Age catecories:
- Senior 2008+
- Junior 2010-2008
- Cadet 2013-2011
- Minors 2015-2014 (head contact agreement of both athletes)
- Pupils 2017-2016 (no head contact)
- Minis 2019-2018 (no head contact)
- SUPER MINIS 2021-2020 (no head contact)
Weigh categories:
Olympic categories
Olympic categories
- Senior male: -58, -68, -80, +80kg
- Senior female: -49, -57, -67, +67kg
- Junior male: -48, -55, -63, -73, +73kg
- Junior female: -44, -49, -55, -63, +63kg
- Cadet male: -33, -37, -41, -45, -49, -53, -57, -61, -65, +65kg
- Cadet female: -29, -33, -37, -41, -44, -47, -51, -55, -59, +59kg
- Minors M+F: -27, -30, -33, -36, -40, -44, -48, -52, -57,+57kg
- Pupils M+F: -20, -22, -24, -26, -28, -30, -32, -34, -37, -41, +41kg
- Minis M+F: -18, -20, -22, -24, -26, -28, -30, -32, -34, -37, -41, +41kg
SUPER MINIS M+F: -18, -20, -22, -24, -26, -28, -30, -32, -34, -37, -41, +41kg
- (If there are less than 3 participants in a category, categories may be combined. During competition all players must match his age categories).
Fight time:
Senior 3×90 sec, 60 sec break
Junior 3×90 sec, 60 sec break
Cadet 3×60 sec, 60 sec break
Minor 3×60 sec, 60 sec break
Pupil 3×60 sec, 60 sec break
Minis 3×60 sec, 60 sec break
Minis 3×60 sec, 60 sec break
Super Minis 3×60 sec, 60 sec break
Changes on the tournament day possible!
Competition rules:
The competition rules are based on the actual rules of World Taekwondo.
Protest fee 50€. The decision of the referee chairman is final.
Competition information:
The participants shall wear the WT recognized Taekwondo Uniform. Daedo PSS will be used at this Tournament and will be provided by the OC. All athletes must bring their own Daedo sensor socks. Groin/forearm/shin guards and gloves are compulsory and must be brought by the contestants. Mouth piece is compulsory
(only white or transparent)!
Flexy glass head protector for cadet and kids categories required.
All competitors participate at their own risk. With the registration each contestant or her/his guardian agrees explicitly to the exclusion of liability. Promoter and organizer do not accept responsibility for any damages to persons or property! The competitors explicity accept the current NADA/WADA(National & World Antidoping Agency) code with their registration.
The registration must be done by the clubs online on tpss.eu
Deadline 15. march 2025
Total number of participants 150!
With the registration the clubs, competitors and the parents or the legal guardian agrees that they accept the participation and they do know this announcement. Every participant consider that he/she has in a healthy condition and that he/she accepts the rules of this competition.
Registration fee:
50 € per person till 15.03.2025 23:59.
60 € per person for competition addinfg after deadline.
System closes at 19.03.2025 23:59.
Athletes who do not belong to official MNA club of citizenship country pay: 100 € till 15.03.2025, and 110 € after the deadline.
60 € per person for competition addinfg after deadline.
System closes at 19.03.2025 23:59.
Athletes who do not belong to official MNA club of citizenship country pay: 100 € till 15.03.2025, and 110 € after the deadline.
Change of weight categories during weigh-in could be done. The fee is 15€.
Minor constants have to show an agreement of the parents or the guardians during weigh-in to change the category. Single competitors in category could be added to the higher weigh class.
If the athlete registered online does not take part in the competition for some reason, but he/she has not been removed from the list of participants before
deadline(15. march 2025) his/her team officially must fully (%100) pay his/her entry fee for the participation.
Data regulations:
We want to let You know that You agree with the registration that we could publish personal data in our purpose. This purpose are according to the rules of Estonian data regulations. We could publish personal data via media and results regarding to this competition. Each participant agrees that his/her names, weight categories, club and country information, results, photos, videos and so on could be published in the internet and in print papers and medias according to the Estonian data regulations.
Spordiklubi ML SPORT
+372 545 666 77
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